Tuesday, October 13, 2009

288/365 - Milestone

Scott and I have been anticipating this milestone - 100,000 miles on the Corolla, aka "Cory". The odometer rolled over to the 100K mark as I was driving to violin lessons. I pulled off the road, into someone's driveway to take the picture.

100 Grand Milestone

Processed with two separate textures, using the "Hard Mix" blending mode in PSE.

Even at 100,000 miles, Cory still provides a reliable ride. I hope it makes it to 200,000 miles.


  1. Great shot! And if "Cory" is anything like my old Camry you shouldn't have any problem catching 200,000 miles. My parents now have my old Camry and it's pushing 300,000 and still runs like a dream. (I miss that car!);)

  2. Great shot and great post processing Shirley!
