Thursday, September 24, 2009

269/365 - Rascal Relaxes

I give so much more screen time to Hannah, so today's pictures are of our other cat, Rascal. Rascal is over 15 years old now and was our "family starter kit". She adopted us while we lived in West Virginia (aka - she was a stray that showed up on our doorstop).

She still looks pretty good for an old kitty, relaxing in the grass:
Rascal in the Grass
[the hair on the top of her hair is matted down after drinking from our pond's waterfall - her favorite drinking spot]

I wonder what she was looking at in this picture - perhaps a bird or the neighbor dog.
Rascal Profile

Ah, the stresses of cat-life!

1 comment:

  1. Love the second shot! The green background is beautiful! What a pretty cat!
