Wednesday, September 9, 2009


lucky 09.09.09
Another lucky symbol - a large red Chinese Knot

Today's date has made headlines, touted as "a lucky date". Because of today's alliterated date, people got married, the movie, 9, premiered, and Leica announced two new [really expensive] cameras [got 8 grand burning a hole in your pocket?]. I'm sure other "special events" were planned around today's date.

I remember a mere 10 years ago, a similar date rolled around - 9/9/99. On the cusp of the impending Y2K computer disaster, people were nervous about this date too - so much computer code used '9999' to denote the end of the routine. But I remember the date because I was on the verge of giving birth to my son, Brian, and Scott was hoping that I would pop early, on "9/9/99".

Suffice it to say, 9/9/99 passed and I was still pregnant - Brian emerged 11 days later on the 21st instead.

So that's what I thought about when reading about the significance of 09.09.09 (And that I need to get moving on planning Brian's 10th birthday party!). I can't wait for next year - all the focus will be on 10.10.10.

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