Tuesday, August 4, 2009

POTD - River Bank [Landscape]

A somewhat tepid attempt at a landscape - some wildflower and weeds that grow by the water's edge off the slough (obscure name for muddy river - really - I even looked it up - pronounced 'sloo') that runs through our subdivision. Lots of people out this evening, walking and enjoying the nice weather.


With all this flat prairie, you would think taking landscape pictures would be easy - I just didn't find anything that really caught my eye tonight. I hope to do better tomorrow.


  1. Ok, no one would ever know that this was a slough (which rhymes with "eeuuww" in late summer)! Those wildflowers are really pretty!

  2. This counts to me! I love that one red weed poking out amongst the tamer colors, as if to say, "Look at me!!!" :)

  3. I think you got a nice shot of the flowers.

  4. I think it's lovely. I too struggle with landscapes. I would love a landscape mentor to take me under their wing!

  5. That is a pretty landscape! I love wildflowers.

  6. I love the wildflowers, especially the red amongst the greens.

  7. Well I think this is beautiful for sure. Look at that red thing. Its just begging to be photographed. :)

  8. I love the color here! I know the word "slough" from the Little House books!

  9. We don't mince words here - there is actually the Mud River that flows by locally. You captured some very lovely wildflowers.

  10. Oh, I hear you about flat prairies! But I detect a definite incline!!! And you found a touch of color after all!
