Sunday, August 23, 2009

238/365 - Routine

A week has transpired since we got back from vacation, and it only now seems like we are back into the routine of "everyday" life. No traipsing out to buy school supplies, school clothes, soccer equipment, you know - all of those "once every year" events.

The fridge is finally re-stocked with food and I cooked a "real meal" (roast chicken and potatoes - yum!). Laundry is under control. We are ready for the upcoming week.

Hannah has resumed her routine as well - finding the most comfortable spot in the house - the clean laundry, of course!

Comfy Spot

1 comment:

  1. I think our cat Simone must listen for the sound of the dryer door opening. As soon as I pull laundry out of the dryer, she's ready to climb into it to sleep.
