Monday, August 3, 2009

218/365 - Summer Morning Routine

Today marks the last week the kids will participate in Day Camp (aka "7 Hours of Boredom", "Tortuous Camp" or any other negative name Erica thinks up). Really, I'm rather tired of the whole morning routine of dragging the kids from bed (with lots of whining "I'm so tired - do I HAVE TO GO to that torture camp?"), and preparing their lunches, cajoling them to eat and pack their lunches and snacks.
During the school year, I don't encounter half the attitude and complaining as I have endured this summer. Sigh.

To commemorate this last week, here's a picture of the lunch, snack stuff we (really, I) get together each morning. I should have taken the picture earlier, with the entire kitchen island covered with bags, lunch meat, panini maker, bread, water bottles and juice boxes, but I tend to put things away quickly.


I'm looking forward to the start of school and especially not having to make several lunches each morning!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! That's exactly why I dread the start of school ... at camp they get fed. Good luck. Just one more week :)
