Saturday, August 1, 2009

216/365 - The Family Who "Tri's" Together

You might recognize two of these smiling faces - K is Erica's BFF and M is Brian's age (purported to be his friend - but you know how those boy-girl friendships get portrayed by older sisters).


The entire B Family just completed the local Mini-Triathlon - 400 yards of swimming, then 6 miles of biking and a 2 mile run. Doesn't that sound like fun? Erica participated in some of their training sessions - she went swimming and jogging with the girls.

As mom Sara is the ultra talented seamstress, she created custom T-shirts for the occasion - Team SMAK (Sara, Miss M, Mr. Al and Miss K).

I'm thinking about forcing Erica to complete this Mini-Tri with me next year. And as a warmup, we're going to complete a 5K race beforehand.

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