Wednesday, July 29, 2009

213 / 365 - The Corn and Blue Sky

I must have missed our flat prairie, because I seem to be obsessed with it and the corn. The corn - wow, is it ever tall - I run along a cornfield and before we left for vacation, I don't think it was too tall. Now the stalks tower over me. Now, granted, that's not too hard, as I am fairly short, but still - the corn grew two feet in the last week. The ears of corn and top tassels have emerged.

Tall corn

Blue skies

Taken outside the Stables, with my iPhone. I love how I can email the photos directly to flickr!

1 comment:

  1. I miss the corn field in Indiana! And I miss eating the sweet corn - just not the same here - much tougher and not as sweet. Enjoy!
