Saturday, July 11, 2009

195/365 - Blueberry Picking

It's been at least four years since we made a trip out to the U-Pick Blueberry Farm in White Heath. My friends from book club raved about this year's great crop, so we set out Saturday afternoon with friends Kathleen, Mel and Sara in tow.

The skies opened up and rain poured down on the fields as we were getting our blueberry gathering buckets ready, and later we determined this was a good thing, as the rain cooled things down and washed the bugs (Japanese beetles) off the bushes.

Mel sets off down a row of berry-filled bushes:

While Erica and Kathleen head the opposite direction: (Definitely away from me!):

But they can't escape Mom with a camera (aka the camera nazi):

Look at these beauties! Freshly washed by the rain.

And after about an hour hard work, we have these:
About 5 pounds of sweet berries (and that doesn't count the ones I ate along the way).

Mel enjoys some of the berries she and her mom, Sara, picked. The boots are hand-me downs from Erica and they look so cute on her!

The farm also grows herbs, corn, raspberries and green rhubarb - I wonder what Sara will make with it:

Checkout? If no one is there, you weigh, calculate, log and put your money in the box.

One of my favorite pictures from today - three pretty maids, all in a row. And a kitty, too!

1 comment:

  1. Love the shot of the blueberries on the vine! Nice job Shirley!

    Thanks for your reply about how you get your photos larger on your blog. I would love to know how you changed your layout dimensions too. Thanks!
