Sunday, July 12, 2009

10 on July 12 (and 196/365)

OK, I only got about 10 pictures taken today. I think I was worn out from yesterday's blueberry picking and all the photos I took there!

But here is a quick recap of our July 12th:

Breakfast with those blueberries, with vanilla yogurt, sliced peaches and rolled oats. So yummy!

See the time? Even on Sunday we get up pretty early. And my phone has been giving me fits recently - the battery won't stay charged and I bought a replacement battery with the same results. Yeah, the replacement battery might be a dud, too, but at this point the phone is 3 years old and I am thinking about upgrading.... to an iPhone. Erica wants a phone, too, so we spent time on-line checking out different phones / plans, and by the end of day I had a huge headache because of the phone situation.

Rascal was enjoying a morning snooze by the window. It was a beautiful morning, with a cool breeze. Sorry the picture is blurry - but Rascal always gets up when she sees me, so I was lucky to get even this shot.

Hey, it's me again with a self portrait, taken right after I dried my hair. Why do I think of Vanna White when I look at this picture?

It's afternoon now, and Brian decided he wanted to rearrange his room. Brian outlined all the changes and Scott did the heavy lifting. Here is the result:

But, as part of the rearrangement, Brian purged many of the kids' / baby books he had in the bookshelf. I need to sort them and put them in the garage sale pile now.

I practiced violin (something I haven't good about all week long) - I am working on the Franck Violin Sonata in A Major. A nice romantic piece.

A day doesn't pass without some sort of Slip-N-Slide [SNS for short] action. See that strip of matted down and brown grass? That's where the SNS has been used. Brian is setting up a *NEW* SNS (I bought TWO new SNS's today - at the request of my children, who read the Sunday Sale ads, noting many are on sale).

This SNS features a swirling spray of water onto the slide. Note - the arch falls over due to the back pressure of the water. Brian later dubbed this the "Useless SNS".

The kids gave up on the two new SNS's and spent the rest of the day watching old Harry Potter movies, in preparation for Wednesday's premiere of the Half Blood Prince. We plan to go on Thursday.

So there you go - 10 pictures from our day. Hope yours was great, too!

1 comment:

  1. Love the slip-n-slide action ... the first sign that summer has arrived!
