Thursday, June 25, 2009

179/365 - False Alarm

This morning, Brian complained about his stomach hurting whenever he moved. [Actually, he had complained about it last night, but I dismissed his grievances as excuses not to go to bed]

It was clear that he was in serious pain, especially when he sat up or laid down. I had him point to where the pain was coming from - the lower right part of his abdomen, between the belly button and the hip. Hmmmm.... I recognized that as the appendix area.....

So we ended up going to the Dr's office, where he was poked at and prodded a bit before determining he had probably strained a muscle while playing on the Slip-N-Slide Monday night. Whew - that was a relief.

But Brian took it easy the rest of the day, and we'll be more careful the next time he plays on that Slip-N-Slide.



What about today's events? Two major celebrity deaths - Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. You just never know when your time will be up, so make every day count.

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