Monday, May 11, 2009

POTD - Lilacs [flowers]

My favorite spring flower growing up in Massachusetts. Probably because they bloomed right around my birthday in late May. We didn't have any on our property, but I always sought them out for the luscious scent.

At our last house in Indiana, we didn't have enough direct sun for a lilac bush. Not a problem here on the open Illinois prairie, so I made sure I had at least one lilac bush. I opted for the Korean Miss Kim variety which stays more compact (3-4' tall/ wide).


Do you have a favorite flowering shrub? I also like Rhododendron, Azaleas and Mountain Laurel.


  1. Beautiful! Lilacs are my absolute favorite. LOVE the way they smell. They totally remind me of my childhood. My grandma had a big lilac bush in her backyard!

  2. Lilacs are my favorite too. In fact, before I left for work this morning I went and stuck my nose in ours and took a big deep breath!

  3. I love lilac bushes mostly because my mom loved them I just bought some lilac scented soap--reminds me of her every day!

  4. I love lilacs! A local garden here has a lilac festival at the end of this month, and it's a treat for the eyes and nose.

  5. Oh, I bet these smell fantastic! I love lilacs, lavendar, gardenias, peonies....anything that smells as beautiful as it looks.

  6. Love Love Love lilacs (recently took some pictures of my neighbor's - ohh the fragrance!) Also love Irises - probably one of my favorites because I remember as a child gathering bunches of wild irises from a field close to home and taking them to my mom and her face lighting up like a Christmas tree.

  7. Lilacs are one of my favorite flowers - especially because they smell so nice!! ;)

  8. I've always like these too-so pretty.

  9. Yes, I do...mine are lilacs too. I think the only reason we bought this house is because it has a string of huge lilac bushes on the back fence. I live in Maine, and they are NOT quite out yet. I can't wait until they are. I am sure its going to smell amazing.

  10. SO pretty! I love lilac, it's one of my faves. I also love lavender, I have some planted in my garden and I'm waiting for those blooms! It already smells heavenly though. :)

  11. I don't think I have ever seen a lilac before. I love the scent and the flower is beautiful too, thanks for sharing!

  12. I love Lilacs!! These are so pretty!

  13. I love lilacs, they're so pretty and smell so beautiful!

  14. I too just posted about how heavenly I think lilacs are - they smell so wonderful and look so pretty!!!
