Tuesday, May 19, 2009

POTD - Library [around town]

The new library in town made its debut in 2008 - the space is beautiful, with large windows, natural light and comfortable seating.

Yet, I rarely visit the library, mainly because of its location (yes, 10 minutes away is inconvenient for me and my hectic schedule) and the fact that our neighborhood is serviced by the library's Book Mobile once a week.

But alas, budget cuts made it necessary for the library to discontinue the Book Mobile service at the end of May, so I am starting to schedule in some time to visit the Main building.

Part of the problem with the old library building - no big sign out front. Seriously, it looked like an old office building. Not an issue anymore. The space behind the sign houses a coffeeshop.

Special windows allow light to come in, but provide privacy. I thought the honeycomb textture was really cool, so I took pictures looking through the windows with the focus outside and then inside:



  1. Very nice shots! Love the texture and the sunflare!

  2. Cool shots. I love the letters in the first shot....they're so clean and simple, and the texture and detail in the last shot is great!

  3. Oh wow! I love the Library...but I rarely go either because its so inconvenient with the kiddos...our is so not kid friendly. Your is so big though! I love that last pic though. What an awesome texture.

  4. Libraries are such interesting places. Growing up, our town library was actually in the basement of one of the bank buildings. Then the bank across the street relocated, so it moved over into the old bank - whole different meaning to withdrawing or making a deposit. Great shots - love the idea of a coffee house with the library.

  5. Cool architecture shots! And libraries are the last best bargain on the planet! Thank you for your kind words on my blog and your prayers for my son are most appreciated!

  6. Love the big sign, so cool! Great shots! We are at our library at least twice a week, but usually just going in to grab books and go. I bet you can do the same thing we do, request your books online and they'll be waiting for you. Easy as can be! :)
