I thought it this week's POTD theme (animals) would be a challenge until I remembered I had several un-edited photos from our trip in March to St Louis and the St Louis Zoo.
We really enjoyed the penguin exhibit with the regal Empire Penguin:
I am often asked questions and comments about my photography - what location, what camera, what settings, etc. The camera question aside (i...
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I love the penguins! Nice capture.
I love those colors, everything is so sharp and bright.
Gorgeous! He looks very proud pengiun
Look how proud he looks! Great shot!
Oh I love penguins! And what a great sharp shot!
Ahhh I love penguins, they are so formal! Cute shot.
what a great penguin shot!!
Oh, he's a beaut! Love the crisp colors going on here, Shirley.
Such a cute guy. We just love watching the peguins.
Wow-the clarity and sharpness is great on this! Nice job! (and I adore penguins, too)
I love penguins! Great capture!
WOW...what a gorgeous penguin. I love how they carry themselves. Great colors on this for sure.
What an interesting shot! I love his "stance."
I just love penguins. He looks so regal standing there!
He's beautiful and this is a great shot! So crisp. :)