Friday, May 29, 2009

152/365 - On the Road

Several reasons why I keep my camera on hand in the car - you never know when you might want to take a picture! Yes, I do take pictures while driving, but I never take my eyes off the road - I simply place the camera to my right temple and hope the auto-focus gets something decent. Occasionally, I'll be stopped at a light, and then I will look through the viewfinder.

Taken in the morning, on the way to work. More prairie, more road, lots of blue sky and yesterday's first barn is on the left:

With road work along Route 36, I started taking the back country roads to avoid single lane closures and delays. These are the county roads that are simply numbered based on the county's grid system - "N1200", for example.

I was also in the car as the sun set tonight, coming home from Brian's baseball game (they lost tonight, but played a great game). I came upon the fiery ball as I hit the stop light at the corner of Kirby and Windsor. I whipped out the camera (it was in the passenger seat) and snapped the picture. A half mile down the road, the sun was gone - that's how fast the thing goes down.

Do you notice the gorgeous landscape that surrounds you when you are driving? Take some time to notice passing elements - you never know what you might be missing.

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