Sunday, May 24, 2009

147/365 - Tired Hannah

Today's slight "scare" and backstory to the picture.

We have been letting Hannah outside for short time durations. She normally sits by the birdfeeder, stalking the birds that visit it and the pond. Recently, however, she has ventured out more, probably into the neighbor's yards and bushes. This morning I let her out, but when we had to leave for church, she would not come back when called for. So we just left her "out and about" for 3 hours.

When we arrived back home, Erica walked around our yard, calling "Hannah, Hannah, Hannah". No Hannah. I made a round, with her food cup in hand, rattling it (when she hears it, she comes RUNNING), calling out her name. Still no Hannah. Erica was a bit distraught. I assured Erica that Hannah would come home eventually. After all, you can't knock free room and board. I know that hour without Hannah safe at home was very tough on Erica.

Then what happened? Oh, lunch time rolled around (11:30) and there was our adventurous kitty, waiting for some kibble. Erica scooped her up and scolded her a bit.

We could tell Hannah had a full morning of activity, because after lunch, this is what she did:

Yeah, she pretty much slept the afternoon away. I don't think we need to worry too much about her running off.

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