Monday, May 18, 2009

141/365 - Minor hail damage

Looks like my hostas weren't the only leaves to suffer some damage during Friday's hail storm:

Poor lily pad, all shredded. All of the lily pads look the same way. The silver lining? The flowers are starting to come up to the surface.

And the iris should be sending up some buds, soon:

What's next to bloom in your garden?


  1. So sorry about your lilipads!

    In our yard, the forsythia's are spent and now the lilac trees are starting to bloom. One died over the winter and will have to be replaced, but the canopy of purple flowers is just beautiful.

    I'm not even planting anything until the first week in June. We've had frost warnings through last Monday night!

  2. Those spring storms can be bad! We are more into summer flowers here - our spring ones are past their prime.
