Friday, May 1, 2009

124/365 - April Showers Means a Late Planting

I planned to take this picture last week when the POTD theme was "Earth" - what more earthy than the cornfields of the Midwest, USA? This is the scene as I start down the on ramp to the interstate, so the picture can only be taken when no one is driving behind me.

The copious rainfall we received in April means the fields are still too wet to be planted. It looks like this plot has been tilled, but you can tell the ground is still really wet.

We experienced the same wet April last year and even though the farmers worried about the lateness of the planting, at the end of the season, it was still a very good crop.

1 comment:

  1. I love the contrast of the green, brown, and blue. Thanks for your comment on my photos, Shirley. You're right; our middle school girls treat their semi-formal more like a formal. I go along with it so she'll "fit in" but I think it escalates every year--I didn't get that much primping (hair, nails, etc.) for my own wedding!
