Language of black and white photography
2 days ago
Today's rain and mist gave the prairie a dreamy feel. Out the passenger's side window, it all seems to be speeding by all too fast.
I guess this would have been appropriate for the weekly theme on "motion".....
I am often asked questions and comments about my photography - what location, what camera, what settings, etc. The camera question aside (i...
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It almost looks like a watercolor painting!
I love this, especially paired with the notion that life passes by all too quickly- how true!
I love this! It has so much meaning! It does pass by to fast doesn't it?
I've been on vacation so I haven't visited in a week or so, and your photos made me all happy! I especially love your bird and nest ones.
That's so pretty. It totally looks like a painting!
Very dreamy colors. . . and life does feel like that: fast!
I love it! It does almost look like a painting!