Wednesday, April 22, 2009

POTD - Sky, Moon and Venus

I read in the paper the other day that Venus would be visible this week, by the moon, in the morning. I was up early today and saw the crescent moon with a bright spot next to it. I did what any normal person at 6am does - I grabbed my camera and tripod and set it up in the cul-de-sac. Nobody was around to wonder what I was doing, (they were all sleeping!) so I didn't feel too conspicuous.

An excerpt, from Staerkel Planetarium's Sky Tonight:
An interesting event occurs on Wednesday morning. Arise before dawn and look eastward to see a waning crescent Moon very near Venus. As the Sun comes up, see if you can still see Venus with binoculars. Venus will pass behind the Moon at roughly 7:40 a.m.


Not as dramatic as my Full moon shots, but I thought it was cool that I got to see it this morning.


  1. I love the sliver and the tiny planet! I have never been able to see one in the sky for real.

  2. Holy MOLY. This is amazing. I just cannot believe you had the motivation to do this, let alone take such an incredible photo. Thanks so much for sharing what I was sleeping through.

  3. Good for you - the rest of us only think - "perhaps I should run back into the house and grab the camera", but to even do the whole tripod thing - Applause!!! great capture.

  4. That is amazing. Way to go getting up early to capture that!

  5. AMAZING!!! I had no clue, or I would have looked for it too! My dd loved it too... she says it's a "mommy moon and a baby moon". LOL

  6. WOW, WOW and did I say WOW!! What a fabulous capture!

  7. What a really cool shot! Good for you for getting up early, I think I'd have decided my bed was much warmer and more comfy! :)

  8. This is beautiful! Actually, I think this shot is quite dramatic and impressive. And certainly look silver.
