Monday, April 6, 2009

POTD - Erica as a Baby

My "babies" are now 11 and 9. Digital imaging wasn't an affordable option when the kiddos were little, so I took numerous pictures with my film camera. I can't imagine how differently I would account their early years now, with all of the digital options out there (I would probably be swimming in all sorts of images).

For today's POTD, under the theme of Oh, Baby, I took a picture of Erica as a baby, from a published Enfamil Pamphlet. You know, one of many baby formula marketing brochures the hospitals shower you with upon the birth of a little one.

The story behind the brochure? Erica was "sighted" by a commercial photographer responsible for Mead Johnson (maker of Enfamil) marketing materials and brought in for a photo shoot - her first modeling job at the age of 6 months. We never heard back from Mead Johnson, but when Brian was born two years later, this pamphlet was in one of the giveaway diaper bags. I immediately recognized Erica on the cover. The nurses thought this was the coolest, serendipitous thing to happen, so they gave us 20 copies of the pamphlet.

Today's funny - I took out the pamphlet and Erica inquired - "Why are you taking a picture of that?". I asked her if she knew who was on the cover, she simply shrugged her shoulders with a "I dunno". Then she laughed incredulously when I informed her of the little baby's identity. She thinks I am lying to her!

Anyways, the little picture brings back nice memories - a time when my little baby would cuddle and coo with me. OK, she screamed a lot,too, but heck, that's what being a baby is about.


  1. Oh, she was an adorable baby! What a neat momento to have...and how fun that you ended up with the pamphlet when your other baby was born.

  2. She's famous! I think it's funny she's not convinced it's her though.

  3. That's neat! I can't believe they didn't tell you they were using her photo...can you imagine if that were to happen now? That's funny she doesn't think it's her!

  4. Awwwww. It does go fast, doesn't it?

  5. How cool that she was on the brochure, but funny that you only found out when you had your son! What an adorable shot! :)

  6. What a great story! How cool! What a cutie!~

  7. She should have been paid for her photo being published!! How neat that she's on the cover!

  8. Well how freaking cool is that! I would be blabbing this news to everyone. :)

  9. She's a cutie! They grow way too fast. :(

  10. Oh my gosh that is such a funny story! Her reaction is too cute.

  11. How sweet! And you knew way before them that she was the most beautiful baby ever, didn't you?
