Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Guest Photographer - Brian

I was photographing the Lemonade cookies for today's Project 365 photo when Brian declared he wanted to take a picture, too. He arranged the cookies on the table and played around with the camera's zoom before taking the picture. I helped a tiny little bit - I stabilized the heavy lens to minimize camera shake. Oh, and I did straighten the photo in PhotoShop. That's about it.

Brian snapped two pictures, but he decided he liked this one the best.

It was a fun experience - I think we might have a budding photographer in our midst!

On slightly related topic - part of our Girl Scout cookies were delivered today. I ordered from 2 girls, so did Scott. So far we have 14 boxes, with at least 5 more boxes to come. The majority in this household favors the Peanut Butter Patties, then Thin Mints, followed by Shortbreads. For me, Lemonade cookies eclipsed the Shortbreads and Thin Mints last year. I feel fortunate the kids don't care for them.


  1. I haven't even see those her in Florida.

  2. Great photo. I love giving the camera to the kids. Always interesting to see what is on the memory card when I get it back :)

  3. Great photo, Bryan!! My daughter Hannah (13) just got back from a Fine Arts comp. for school. 20 schools part. and she won 1st place in Jr.High film photog. for still life. I will share a scan soon. =] Aren't we lucky that our kiddos are interested in something we love? =]

  4. Brian did a great job!!

    I'm so bummed -- I didn't get any Girl Scout cookies this year. I got in touch twice with a girl I know and told her that I wanted to order cookies, but she never came and got my order from me. Oh well! My butt and thighs are thankful. LOL!
