Saturday, March 14, 2009

Eerie Silence

Lee over at the LINARstudio posted today about this morning's silence she found un-nerving. She finally found the whereabouts of her children which broke the silence.

Her post was parallel to my morning's experience.
Complete silence here in my house.

Silence? How?

Simple - I was alone

- no Scott (in Indy at the Big 10 Tourney with Dave G)
- no kids (both sleeping over at friends)

Just me and the cats.

Heavy silence.

I admit - it was rather eerie and lonely.


  1. In some ways, that "empty nest" seems not too far away...we figured we probably have 6-7 more family vacations before the kids are in different directions. Just last night I told Mark I miss having little ones in the house...but then I regained my sanity. Nothing like college tuition prices to keep you grounded!

  2. So true! These next 6 years will just fly by.....
