Monday, March 30, 2009

92/365 - POTD - Weekly Dinner List [Ways to Save]

I normally plan the coming week's dinners on Saturday, trying to base the menu on grocery store sale items. From the menu, I generate the shopping list and try to stick to it. I post the menu on the fridge (so that I remember what I'm supposed to make on any given night).

Tonight's dinner - Chicken Enchiladas.
The chicken was on sale for $1.79 / pound, and many of the other ingredients are the store brands. A tasty dinner that the kids like.


  1. Yum. Your menu looks great. I'd love to eat dinner at your house

  2. I always try to do the list thing, and yet I never do and always forget something. ;) Looks yummy!

  3. Looks good, we do that as well. I can not believe how well that works

  4. Mmmm--looks good! Great menu, too.

  5. Your enchiladas are making me hungry! I use to shop once a week and use a menu. Now I'm lucky if I get two meals out of a trip to the grocery store. I need to get back to my organized, planning mode.

  6. Good for you :) You are so organized! The food looks yummy, too.

  7. Oh I want enchiladas and it wasn't on my menu this week. So it looks like you are not going to be saving me any money. :P

  8. Yummy - and hats off to you for sticking to it. We have tried this in theory - but it almost always gets derailed by the 'I'm not in the mood for that' blues sung by kiddo #2.

  9. Ooh, this looks SOOO yummy! I might try it myself tonight! :)

  10. That looks yummy, you know you need to post the recipie right :)
