Saturday, March 14, 2009

76/365: Discoveries

One of the benefits of living in near a college town - numerous special activities on campus. Jill and I took the boys to the Naturally Illinois Expo, a series of exhibits held at the Natural Resources Building. The boys dug for fossils, experimented with pH, learned about stream erosion and watched cool (literally!) liquid nitrogen demonstrations.

Brian examines his fossil:

Another discovery - the Krannert Art Museum. We only took a quick walk through, but I'm sure I'll go back by myself soon. One exhibit featured ceramic sculpture, including these hanging white teardrops suspended against a white backboard. Quite pretty.

I played around with Levels for an "edgier" treatment:

A nice way to spend an early spring day.


  1. I especially like your first and last ones! Brian's facial expression is so sweet as he examines the fossil, and the last is just very compelling with its repetition and pattern. And you have a really cool flickr photo stream on your blog!

  2. Brian looks so thoughtful! What a great resource for kids--I love stuff like that. I really like the last shot where you tweaked the levels--the extra oomph in contrast really helps define the pattern occuring.

  3. It looks like so much fun and I'd be going back myself to. Great shots!
