Thursday, March 5, 2009

67/365: House Favorites - Gone Already!

My taste for Girl Scout cookies is not shared by the rest of my family (just means more cookies for me). Peanut Butter Patties hold the top spot among the other members of my family. Which results in a very short shelf life for those cookies:

Now I have to listen the whining - "What do you mean they're all gone? We just got them yesterday!" and "Can you buy more?".

Hmmmm, we already spent $70 on cookies. They'll have to settle for the Thin Mints (Somehow, I don't think they'll complain).


  1. LOL! They go about that fast around here too.

  2. Yep they go fast around here to. But usually it's the thin mints that are gone first.

  3. Those are my favorites too. I refuse to accept that it's my fault they go so quickly. I think the boxes are just too small!

  4. Too funny! What a fun shot! :)

  5. LOL, that is exactly why we don't keep them in the house, they are MUCH safer at DH's office :)

  6. So true! it is Tim-Tams here that do that!

  7. Hmmm, if they don't want the Thin Mints, I will GLADLY take them off your hands! ROFL! Those are my faves! Can you believe we actually have a store here JUST for Girl Scout Cookies right now? I had to sell mine the hard way! ;)

  8. Gone gone gone! They wouldn't have lasted here too! ;)

  9. That's funny! I LOVE the peanut butter ones, too. :)

  10. LOL "theres no more!" man they sure did fly didnt they?

  11. Gosh...I can't think of any other reason to order more than if yours are gone? Hahaha. I know they are so hard to resist.

  12. I think there is a special "disappearing" ingredient that the Girl Scouts put in their cookies - ours is gone in the blink of an eye. Great shots!
