Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 on March 12

I'm a tad bit late with this month's installment of 12 on 12, but I was taking pictures until 8pm, and that's almost bedtime for us here! To make up for it, I have two additional pictures.

With Daylight Savings in effect, we now get to watch the sunrise while getting ready for school and work. It was warm last week, but cold settled back in a couple of days ago causing the condensation on the windows.

Taking the on-ramp to the Interstate to work. With the clouds today, a faint rainbow formed a halo around the sun - very beautiful. I wasn't able to take a picture, even though I pulled in a rest stop along the highway - the halo came and went. But I enjoyed it for 7 miles down the road.

Stopped to get gas. I can't complain about the prices!

But filling up the SUV in these temperatures with a 15 mph wind wasn't fun!

After work, I visited our library's Book Mobile, which stops in our neighborhood. Unfortunately, it was decided to discontinue to the Book Mobile Operation at the end of May due to operational costs. I am very sad to see it go - it provides a wonderful service for busy people and home bound folks who can't get out to the Main Library.

My favorite section of the book mobile - the cookbooks!

Look what came in the mail - a new toy for Shirley. Can you guess what it is?

A remote control for my camera! I had a lot of fun playing with it.

Brian doing his math homework. Notice the piece of pie next to the homework - we purchased two pies for Erica to bring to school tomorrow. See, March 14th is Pi day (get it? 3/14 - 3.14 = Pi, the constant used to determine the area and circumference of a circle? Yeah, I know I am a geek!). Our mistake - purchasing the pies two days before they were needed. Both pies have been eaten, so I have to go out to buy another on tonight.

Look! A Robin! A sure sign of spring. We consider ourselves lucky not to have any snow on the ground at this time!

Tonight is Family Math and Science Night at Brian's school. His teacher, Ms. O, sponsored math games in her classroom. We played Multiplication Baseball (Brian whupped my tushie - he has his multiplication facts down!)

And we inspected Brian's desk - very neat and tidy!

Ms. O's class schedule for tomorrow was already posted:

The Humane Society brought in several displays, including two bunnies and these dog collars. Brian and Drew had a blast putting them on:

We finally left the school around 8pm - then we drove to the store to buy that pie. This one was a peach pie. I'm sure the 6th graders will have fun with Pi day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures today Shirley. I was wondering where yours were. =]
