Saturday, February 7, 2009


I was going through my list of recent Blog updates and read KariAnn's post. She put a cool spin on the people she tagged - she tagged the first 6 people to read her post, and since it is 7:45 am on a Saturday (even my kids are still sleeping!), I figured I was one of the lucky ones.

I am to go to 6th album in my photos and share the 6th photo with you.

I am maniacally organized when it comes to my photos - every month has a folder, then within the folder, subfolders for each picture taking event (for Project 365, I have a folder for each day!). I also shoot in RAW and have the RAW files and converted JPG files and then the subfolder of the pictures I want to develop.

I'm sure I've just shared way too much information. I just need to post that 6th picture.

Erica and her baby, Hannah. One of the extra pictures I took on April 12, 2008 that didn't make my "12 on 12" post.

As for tagging, if you want to participate, just leave a comment!

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