Friday, February 6, 2009

I Love ...the 11th Thing that Starts with "T"

Tickets! Not the bad Traffic tickets, but Concert tickets:

I happened upon the concert announcement via Facebook last night, and I hit the ticket office when it opened this morning:

My friend, Jill, has agreed to go with me, although she is not the rabid fan I am. I bet she thinks I'm a little obsessed. I'm just excited because I haven't been to a concert in several years (make that 10+ years).


  1. Awwwwwwwww...You KNOW I would've gone with you. LOL Have fun. Take pictures. I will live vicariously through you. =]

  2. You ARE obsessed, in a good way :) Enjoy!

  3. Now that would be a GREAT concert!!! Enjoy!
