Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Finally Answered - 5 Questions from Lee

Lee posted a meme on her blog that I chose to participate in - Lee posed 5 unique questions to each participant, a "get to know you more" dialog, but on a more personal level. I had fun with her questions, even though it has taken me almost a week to get them answered!

1. How did you get into your line of work? Is it what you studied to do? If not, why didn’t you go into the field you studied?

At work, I am in charge of the automation and control of our chemical manufacturing process. That may sound complicated, but it really isn’t. My degree is in Chemical Engineering, so working in a Chemical manufacturing facility is pretty standard. I do work more with computers, and that is something I pursued 15 years ago because I wanted to “know how those automation systems worked”. It continues to be a growing field, with lots of new technology and opportunity.

2. You are always so incredibly positive: is there any one thing for which you would like a “do-over”?

Gosh, there are days when I don’t feel very positive. When I commit myself in writing on a public forum, I am forced to really think about the message I am sending. Maybe I sub-consciously paint myself in a super “positive demeanor”. “Do-over” – I somewhat regret my senior year in High School and all the grief I gave my parents. I wish I would have stepped out of my comfort zone and applied to colleges in California, like Stanford or Berkeley. Don’t know if that would have changed my college choice, but if you don’t even apply…..

3. What is your most favorite theme or subject for your photography?
I don’t think I have a favorite theme or subject, although I find myself drawn to light and its influence on a subject. I love the golden light of the sunrise and the brilliance of sunsets. The beauty of nature never ceases to amaze me.

Is there anything you would like to learn to broaden your photography experience?
There is always something new to learn, in any field and that includes my little hobby of photography! On the Post Processing end, I would like to learn how to use Photoshop for color conversions, addition of textures, color correction, etc. I have not focused on that end of photography because I want to take great pictures straight out of the camera. But I also realize that part of Photography is the conveyance of an emotion and that can be achieved through the application of these effects. I also need to improve my low light / flash skills and wide angle photography skills. I often go through my day “framing” pictures in my head, and I am often disappointed when I attempt to transfer that to the image off the camera. Part of that will improve with time and clicks of the shutter.

4. Do you believe in an after-life? If so, what is it like?

I definitely believe in an after-life. Our Sunday school class just finished up a series on Heaven and from that class, I believe that we, as mere humans, cannot begin to fathom what Heaven is like. I know it will give us a different perspective and we won’t need the things and comforts we seek on earth. I don’t want to go to Heaven anytime soon, but don’t feel anxious about what awaits me there.

5. How did you meet Scott and how did you know he was “the one”?
Scott and I met in 1989, having just graduated from college and in our first jobs. We were “enrolled” in a Engineering Management classes with a slew of Mechanical Engineers, so being the only Chemical engineers in the group, we were teamed together in the various project assignments.
I don’t recall how I knew he was “the one”, I just liked being with him, he has great moral values, is fun to be around and most importantly, he has great green eyes (that’s my weakness).


  1. So glad you posted! It's so much fun getting to know you better. Thanks so much for participating, I knew we had a ton in common :)

  2. Wow. Wonderful list. That tea must be good because it comes in those beautiful tins. =] I still have not tried the tonic trimmer. I am not happy with any of the cutters I've day! =] Thanks for playing!
