Monday, February 16, 2009

Erica's Baptism

Yesterday, we were blessed by Erica's Baptism.

She was baptized by Scott in the church baptistery, during the first worship service. Her middle school friends witnessed the event, along with members of the congregation in the worship service. A "surveillance" type camera filmed the event and broadcast it live into worship center.

This required us to wait around a bit.

Erica wore a bathing suit under the robes, but Scott was allowed to wear fisherman's waders:

Finally, it was time to get in the warm water, and then they were live!

Scott introduced himself and Erica.

Erica repeated The Good Confession:
"I believe
That Jesus is the Christ
The son of the Living God"

Scott then said:
"I Baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit"

She was immersed in the water:

A very special day for all of us!


  1. What a special moment in your life to share with us! Loved to read about it and see your captures!

  2. Beautiful shots to capture this wonderful occasion! I love the one of the cross! Great captures!

  3. Awesome day for your daughter and all of you involved! Great record of it Shirley! =]

  4. Praise the Lord!!!! :) What an awesome and special moment in your family!!!! Congratulations and Thank you for sharing this moment with us!!!!
    Nadya :)
