Monday, February 23, 2009

57/365: Crazy Hair Day!

In preparation for next week's Illinois Standardized Achievement Tests (ISAT), Brian's school is letting loose this week with School Spirit Week.

They dubbed today as "Crazy Hair Day". This means silly hats, wigs and hair styles. Brian opted for green hair. We pulled this off by mixing green food color in shaving cream and applying the green goop to the top of Brian's hair:

Most of the green had faded by the time I picked him up after school, but there was still a "tinge" of green present. During his dentist appointment, the dentist could detect the green hue.

Tomorrow is Backwards day. Could be interesting.....


  1. Too funny, this week is crazy hair day for us as well. I can't wait to see what he does for backwards day :o)

  2. That is so great!!! Do I predict a "Kriss Kross" comeback for tomorrow? LOL

  3. LOL i love the whole spirit week thing! i would have never thought of using shaving cream and food coloring though.

  4. what fun to let them go crazy the week before! we have testing next week also but no fun things in the works. can't wait to see backward day.

  5. Green hair is so much fun! I wish I could get away with doing funky things to my hair now. It sounds like its going to be a super fun week for them.

  6. That is so fun!!! Love his grin in the last shot!

  7. Love it, Shirley. My Cole has such dark hair we've never been able to put colour in. Food colour and shave cream ... next time, I'll remember!

  8. How cute! I hope you share a shot of his backwards outfit! :)

  9. What a fun day and how cool that he chose to color his hair green! I love seeing kids so involved in school fun and activities!
