Saturday, January 31, 2009

Beautiful Amaryllis

All four flowers are now in bloom, and another bud is coming up! It was so beautiful to look at in the sunlight. I love having flowers in the middle of winter.


  1. Did you take that photo?? If so, how did you create the black background?? Absolutely beautiful! Mine should be blooming soon.

  2. Hi Lindsay!
    I took the picture in my living room. I didn't do anything special to create the black background, but I did try a couple of different angles and exposures. For this particular picture, I exposed using the Spot meter vs the Matrix Meter (I think in Canon-speak that is Evaluative metering). I think I took 4 or 5 pictures, and this one was the only one I kept.

  3. I absolutely love it when the black background happens naturally! I just can't figure out how to recreate it! Great shot!

  4. Oh my, that is just beautiful, Shirley! Like Lindsay, I want to know how you got the background to be black?

  5. Just beautiful!!
    Don't forget your ten things with T...just a reminder. =]
