Saturday, January 24, 2009

27/365: Suprised and Stunned

Brian took a shot to the chest during today's indoor soccer game. I just happened to snap this picture right after he was hit. He shook it off and was OK, although after the game he said he wanted to throw up after being hit.

Difficult exposure - he was in the direct sun and the background was very dark, which I lightened up, but there's some noise. Oh yeah - I forgot to reset my ISO settings from last night, so that added to the noise. Oh well.

Some other random shots from today's game:


  1. Those are great! Veryince for indoor gym shots.

  2. These are great. Poor little guy Hope he's doing better. I love the last pic.

  3. OUCH! that really looks like it hurt, i hope he is feeling better now

  4. I really like the shots of the game. And poor guy for being hit.

  5. Hope he's doing better. =( I can only imagine how much it hurt. Great shots by the way.

  6. those are some great shots! I would have loved to have shots like that of the sports I played when I was younger. Great job! And for being indoor action I think you did great on the exposure and such! I think that is the hardest. Good job!

  7. Oh wow poor guy, but awesome shot lol!

  8. Wonderful shot! What a handsome little guy, and he seemed to maintain his composure pretty well in spite of the shock!
