Thursday, January 29, 2009

32/365: Rite of Passage

Following the genes of her parents, Erica has been "blessed" with too many teeth. Both Scott and I endured braces as adolescents, so it didn't surprise us that she, too, would go through the same Rite of Passage.

The process started Monday, with X-rays and teeth molds. Remember those molds? Guncky, gritty, sticky, clay-like substance they put in a tray and then into you mouth. The top mold always set off that gag reflex. I remember it all too well. Nowadays, the materials set in one minute and they have flavors.

Today, Erica had her Brackets glued on. Again, I had to suffer through banded braces. The orthodontist had the brackets set on the top row of her teeth to start.

Next step: 4 teeth need to be extracted and then the wires go on. They estimate she'll be in the braces for two years. That's the amount of time I had them in, and they were worth the pain and hassle. That's what I continue to tell Erica.


  1. Love how you captured that! I have twins that are 10, one of them has already had about 2 years of braces and got them off two weeks ago. the other one just had her lower ones put on. I think it's great that they are doing them this young because the kids think it's cool.

  2. I love your photo and your journaling.

  3. Oh, her teeth will be beautiful! Love that shot you took :)

  4. Poor kid! I remember the pain of braces all too well but you're so right, worth every single second.

  5. Good luck to her, I hope she'll have the most beautiful teeth!!

  6. WOW....that is so cool. What a realif that those molds set so fast. I remember I got sick during mine, and yup, you guessed it, I had to go through it again! It was awful. I hope their journey produces beautiful teeth.

  7. Nice that you got to take a shot cause one day she will want the memory. One of my ds just got them off 1 in march and 2 more to go.

  8. Very neat that you captured this! I had braces for 2 or 3 years...I remember it hurting sometimes but it was totally worth it in the end! I still have my permanent bottom retainer 10 years later.
