Wednesday, January 28, 2009

31/365: Snowy Commute

I have been making a concerted effort to take my camera "wherever I go", which includes taking it to work. Today, with 5" of fresh snow, it was slow going on the highway, except for the semi trailers who were passing and kicking up snow.

When the sun came out, I had to take a picture - but I was very safe - I didn't even look in the viewfinder - I just put the camera lens to the side of my face and snapped away. I didn't even adjust the settings. Thank goodness for autofocus! Here are the two pictures I took.


  1. Those are great shots, especially considering how you took them!

  2. that first photo is so cool! I've often wanted a shot of the snow swirling over the road. I like your method!

  3. Wonderful pics, I love the color in them, just a hint of warmth!

  4. These are awesome and I love your tilted perspective on these. . . it really adds to the colors and gives a disorienting effect like the snow can often do.

  5. brrrrrr - looks so cold and windy! Great shots!

  6. The first shot isnt showing up for me but the 2nd one is cool. I am guilty of taking pictures while driving like you said thankful for auto focus

  7. You are brave, these came out great w/out even looking. I won't even drive in snow lol.

  8. Wow, cool! Be CAREFUL driving on that- yikes!

  9. You ended up with cool angles, and the light is pretty!

  10. These are GREAT. I'll have to remeber to put the camera next to my face. I always put it on the stearing wheel.

  11. Very cool! although I'm really not a fan of snow, your shots are beautiful!

  12. Great shots, I love seeing the snow swirling on the road! I'm also a fan of holding the camera up and shooting while driving! :)

  13. Great shots! I hate when snow is on the roads!

  14. I hate driving in that.. Nice capture
