Sunday, January 11, 2009

14/365 - Peanut's Burial

After 2 1/2 years as our pet hamster, Peanut passed away of (presumably) natural causes last night. We buried him underneath the Hawthorn tree in the back yard this afternoon:

Although the kids were sad, they realized that Peanut lived a full life (the average life span is 2-3 years). His burial place is next to Nibly, our first hamster who experienced a much short time with us (~ 6 months).

Here is a previous picture of Peanut, taken back in October:


  1. aww....sorry to hear about the kids pet. My daughter got 2 gerbil for Christmas, and loves them tons

  2. I'm sorry Peanut died, but looks like you all gave him a nice burial.

  3. Oh am so sorry. I had hampsters growing up and I always got so sad when they passed. Rest in Peace Peanut.

  4. It's so sad to lose a pet, I'm sorry.
