Monday, December 8, 2008

Joy - Icy Roads Manuvered Safely

Not an actual picture of this morning's icy roads, but pretty indicative. But in our case, you couldn't see the white ice on the roads - it was all clear, due to a system of freezing rain that passed through before daylight. Of course, none of the streets had been salted before we headed out to school and work. It was literally an ice rink in our subdivision. I also learned the hard way that the Corolla does not have anti-lock brakes, as I almost skidded into a major roadway. Even 5 mph seems fast when you have no control and are staring at cars coming at you. Fortunately, I hit a non-ice patch, which stopped the car sideways.

So, where's the joy? Well, I got the kids to school and myself to work safely. A little late, but still in one piece. And with temperatures climbing into the 40s this afternoon, there was no ice on the way home.

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