Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finding Joy - Running in the Snow

We woke this morning to find a fresh layer of snow on the ground. Not very much, maybe an inch, but with the cloudy skies and air temperatures right around freezing, one could feel more snow was on its way. I debated skipping my normal Saturday morning run, but remembered how much I ate at last night's Holiday party, so I laced up my running shoes.

Running in the snow forces you to slow down, to take care in your footing. You notice the other tracks in the snow alongside your footprints - the other crazy joggers (yes, I will admit, it was a little crazy for me to go out in this weather), the dog owners walking/running their dogs and the bunny and squirrel tracks.

After two miles, I ran onto a street nestled amongst large trees, which blocked much of the prairie wind. The snow started to come down, in big flakes that you can catch on your tongue. An amazing peaceful scene that I had the privilege to run through, all by myself. That's the joy I found today.

[which, unfortunately, was short lived. As I emerged from the protection of the trees, the softly falling snow suddenly became a whirling blizzard of sharp, icy snow, carried by the gusting wind. I cut my run short and headed home, which required running directly into the blowing snow. This is when I realized that I was crazy and the cars passing me on the streets certainly thought the same of me. I obviously survived and got home safely, although a little windblown and snow covered.]

1 comment:

  1. My husband loves to go for a run in the new fallen snow. Me? I prefer walking! LOL I'm glad you enjoy (most of) your run.
