Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fabulous? Who - Moi?

Adding a twist to a famous quote by Coco Chanel, "A Blog should be two things - Classy and Fabulous".

Jayne has bestowed upon me the Fabulous Blog Award! I think of this like the SAG awards - get your peers to nominate you for the work you all do together.

Here are the rules for this Award.
#1 - You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous blogs in a post.
#2 - You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in the post.
#3 - On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.

My 5 Fabulous Addictions:
#1 - I am addicted to Photography and photography gear. My family refers to me as the "camera Nazi" - I think that says it all!
#2 - I am addicted to Starbucks coffee. The really strong stuff. European coffee is a close second, only because I can't get it here.
#3 - I am addicted to Scrapbooking because you have to create something with those pictures and I am particularly addicted to paper - gorgeous printed paper.
#4 - I am addicted to music - I am always on the lookout for new artists, generally female, because I love to sing their songs.
#5 - I am addicted to cashmere sweaters. So soft and cozy. Too bad they are so expensive.
#6 - A Bonus addiction - the internet! Where else can one communicate with the outside world, make great friends, keep in touch with old friends and play games.

Now for the nomination of my peer Bloggers (who made this award possible in the first place):
#1 - Lisa - Looney Lisa's Lines
#2 - Heidi - Coffee, Country Music and the Corporate World
#3 - Andrea - Sy, Ty & Levi
#4 - Martha - Ride Along with the Chang Gang
#5 - Char - The Chronicles of Char


  1. Oui! You are FABULOUS :)

  2. Thanks Shirley! I have posted mine!! :)

  3. oh wow!!! I will have to get busy on this!!! I'm so excited to be nominated!!!
