Gratitude Post 8 - The Internet

Forget Cable TV, the Radio and the Newspaper. I could live without all of three. But there is one medium I couldn't live without and that is the Internet (and my high speed connection...). Today I am grateful for my access to the World Wide Web, as it has changed the way I do things. Without the Internet, I wouldn't be writing this post. I wouldn't be connected to all the wonderful people I have come to know as my friends, even though I have yet to meet one in real life (I hope someday I will meet them). I have reconnected with several friends from college and high school, while keeping tabs on new friends in town.

Scott and I often compete over computer time with the kids. They can't believe "we grew up without computers". The kids don't realize how easy they have it - from Club Penguin, WebKinz,, etc, they can't envision a life without the Internet. Even their school research is heavily enabled by information found on-line. They don't have to schlep to the library to look things up in an encyclopedia (Do they even keep those in the libraries anymore? I doubt it!).

What do we use it for?

Research and Book travel - done on-line.
Christmas shopping - done on-line.
Download songs, video, software - all available on-line.
Play games - done on-line.
Lots of other stuff - doable on-line.

So don't tell my husband, but I could cancel the Cable TV one day, but not our Internet Connection.

Nadya 's World!!!  – (November 10, 2008 at 1:04 PM)  

I so agree with you. :)
I wouldn't be able to live a day with our my internet. TV and other things, sure... But I need my SS fix and other stuff... LOL:)

tosin  – (November 11, 2008 at 1:06 AM)  

Sooooo true! I have always said that if it was possible I would be willing to sit in the dark with no power as long as there was still a way to have internet access.

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