Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gratitude Post 18 - Brian's 3rd Grade Class

And his awesome teacher.

I received the dreaded "I'm not feeling good, Mommy" around 9:30 this morning. By the time I reached the school, Brian was sitting in the front office, looking quite peaked. We went to collect his belongings from his class, but while doing so, Brian's tummy turned for the worst and, yep, he "urped" a bit of his breakfast up on the classroom floor.

His teacher, Mrs. O, was totally unfazed - she was so concerned and sympathetic for Brian's predicament. A total class act. Brian's little episode created only a little bit of excitement in the class, and Mrs. O maintained the students' focus on their classroom tasks.

Later on (after more puking, dry heaving, puking and finally a nice nap), Brian's friend George delivered a stack of "Get Well" cards made by each of the students in his class. This thoughtful gesture was initiated by the students themselves. The cards are really cute - I'll have to scan one or two in tomorrow. It speaks volumes for the kids in his class, that they are concerned about the well being of their fellow student.

Mrs. O also called us at home this evening to check on Brian. Again, what a nice gesture that made all of us feel good inside. It's now 8pm and I am happy to say that Brian is back to his normal self and we end today more appreciative of his little 3rd grade classmates and wonderful teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Awww...
    My friend's kid had a tonselectomy (sp?) last week and her class sent a stack of Get well cards.
    Jeffrey will be having that teacher next year and it makes me feel good about her.

