Monday, November 10, 2008

Gratitude 9 - Music to My Ears

“Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.” - anonymous

12 pitches, 8 notes - I find it amazing such simplicity serves as the building blocks for countless symphonies, arrangements and songs spanning from the beginning of time.

A day doesn't go by that isn't touched by music - it has always been a major facet of who I am. I remember singing to the radio as a young child (The Carpenters - I still know all the words to their songs), I started playing violin in 3rd grade and piano in the 4th grade. There is nothing more immersing than creating music through an instrument or one's voice. I am fortunate to have had such wonderful musical experiences.

Music has the ability to lift my spirits, sooth my mind or calm my nerves. It can make me laugh, make me cry, pump me up and make me dance. A song can bring me back in time, flooding me with memories, both good and bad.

Yes, I am one of "those folks" who drives down the highway, singing to the radio. Actually, I sing to the songs on my iPod, but you get the picture. Sometimes I'll sing a song over and over again, just so I get the words right with the music. It's good for you - I believe lots of endorphins are released while I belt out the lyrics to my favorite artists.

Today I am grateful for music - for what it has given me and what it will continue to provide.

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