Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gratitude 27 - Surprises

We have a block window in the master bath that lets the light in, but doesn't allow for a distinct view of the outside. It is positioned so the rising sun hits it, and gives us a small clue of the weather - sunny, cloudy, rainy. This morning I looked at it, and it was all white, which I thought was odd.

I thought it was odd because that usually signifies snow. I hadn't heard any prediction of snow from the weather experts. Plus the grocery stores were unusually empty yesterday - any prediction of snow would have sent everyone out in force to clear the shelves of milk and bread.

I walked down the hall, peaked out the first available window and gasped - our first snowfall - a pure surprise that made me smile.

A beautiful, wet snow, and no wind, so that it is sticking to everything and creating a wonderland. So very peaceful, which will end quickly as the kids are now up and getting ready to play out in the fresh snow.


  1. Absolutely beautiful! The first snowfall is always my favorite. I love the peacefulness. Enjoy!

  2. Very pretty! The first snow is always the best! :)

  3. Surprise snow is awesome. Snow is so peaceful.
