Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gratitude 26 - Traditions

On Thanksgiving day, I am thankful for so much, especially our Family Traditions. You know, those things we do every year that make the Holidays, well, "the Holidays". You know something is a "tradition" if the kids expect it every year.

Our Thanksgiving traditions include hanging out at home, turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberries and other goodies. We always eat the Thanksgiving meal between 11am and noon. This is a tradition from Scott's upbringing, but it does make sense - eat a small breakfast, have the Thanksgiving feast around lunchtime and have turkey sandwiches for dinner. This schedule also allows Scott to enjoy the afternoon football, and allows for an afternoon nap.

Some other traditions:
Black and White cookies, made by Scott:

Pumpkin Pie:

The past several Thanksgivings have been beautiful sunny fall days, and we were fortunate to have another beautiful day. We eat in the formal dining room, where the sunlight streams in.

I force the family into some pictures. This is our 2nd Thanksgiving with Hannah, and I suspect taking pictures with Hannah is now officially "tradition"

Finally, the kids love sparkling grape juice I allow them to consume for special occaissions - in wine glasses, they constantly call for "dinging of the glasses". Today was no exception.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. May your Traditions bring you comfort and joy today!

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