Wednesday, November 12, 2008

12 on November 12th

Things are a little "off" in our household today.
Even though it is Wednesday, it felt like a cross between Monday and Tuesday, due in part to yesterday's Holiday and day off. The grey landscape undoubtedly added to my confusion. So I totally forgot about the date until 4:30 while driving Erica to horse riding lessons. By then, it was dark, so all of today's pictures were taken with the flash, something I completely hate (probably because I'm not that good at it). I consider myself lucky enough to find 12 things to photograph.

Our day? I mentioned the grey skies already - here's the proof - the weather report from the evening paper:

Today's coffee flavor - the ever popular Pumpkin Spice. I buy these syrups from Taylor's Market, via I've enjoyed this flavor for over a week now and I'm still not tired of it.

Wednesday means Chess Club after school - Brian and friend George attend. I was amused by how serious they are - discussing chess strategy on the way home. After finishing up his homework, Brian escaped to George's house to play more chess. Who knew?

After I dropped off Erica, I made a quick stop at the grocery store to buy mushrooms that were needed for dinner. I picked up an added treat - our favorite, Honeycrisp Apples:

Even though we finished this up last night, the Snoopy Great Pumpkin puzzle beckoned me to take its picture. It was a gift from Grandma (NaiNai). Scott worked on it extensively over the weekend. He has way more patience than me in this area.

I enrolled in Jessica Sprague's Stories in Hand Class, which is on day 3. I printed out the materials from the first three days, but haven't gotten any further. I am also working on a layout for the Sketchapolooza Class at Feeling Scrappy:

I made dinner (a beef burgundy with bacon - I'm always taking pictures of bacon, it seems).

Hannah hung out in the kitchen:

While Scott was waiting for Erica's riding lesson to let out, he stopped into the WalMart and bought Moon Pies and the KungFu Panda movie. I was glad, because I could photograph these purchases, shown here with extra adornments courtesy of Erica and Brian:

We watched the movie after dinner. Scott and Brian enjoyed the moon pies. I had one bite and that was enough. Erica wanted me to take another picture of the penguin, perched on a bird sculpture:

Tonight's final picture, which has a little story attached to it. Scott was nominated to serve as Church Elder. The nomination came from several members of our Sunday school class. After lots of consideration, interviews and discussion, his nomination was accepted and he will be on the "slate" and voted on by the church body in 3 weeks. The church publishes a brouchure with all of the Elder candidates, which includes a picture (with spouse) and a brief bio. That's where tonight's last picture comes in - a picture of the two of us for the publication. I hope it's not too cheesy - most of the other candidates have used studio pictures. I guess it could be worse....


  1. Hey! You forgot and my batteries died! Turned out that you got some great pics anyway. I don't think the pic of you and your hubby is cheesey at all. Very nice!

  2. I think the picture of you two is wonderful!

    How is Kung Fu Panda? I haven't seen it yet.
