Saturday, October 25, 2008

Spooky Fun on the Ghost Train

Take a ride on the Monticello Ghost Train - if you dare....

We planned to ride the Ghost Train last night, timing things just right amongst the rain and the crowds. Two extra riders dared to join us on our perilous journey through Camp Creek Hollow and Cemetery Road - friends Kathleen and George.

Arriving a little early to catch the first ride, we milled around the concession area, taking in the cute ghost themed treats:

The First train rolls in:

While waiting, you can sense the anticipation of terror:

Which was warranted:

Once we boarded the train, the skies opened up and started to pour down rain, but we settled in our seats.

The conductor stops letting people into our car.

George doesn't look scared at all:

Who wrote that?

At the end of the ride, the girls agreed it was great, spooky fun:


  1. You guys look like you had the perfect time. And it was raining? Perfect!

  2. Good to find some genuine inspiration for Halloween. It's increasing here but it feels rather commercial.

  3. What a great experience!

    PS Tagged you on my blog :)
