Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This is a first for me.... I have been tagged by my friend, Lee.

Here are the rules: Link the person who tagged you.
List 6 quirks of yours.
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.

First, I had to look up the definition of quirk, and here is what I found at
quirk - noun
A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncrasy: "Every man had his own quirks and twists" (Harriet Beecher Stowe).
So, 6 quirks:
  1. When I run, I breathe in through my nose and out my mouth, pacing my breathing with my stride - my standard breathing pattern is three strides in and four strides out. If I am running more than 4 miles, the pattern eventually shortens to 2 stride in and 3 out.
  2. I heat up my travel coffee mug with boiling water before I pour my coffee in. Thus, my coffee loses less heat and stays hotter, longer.
  3. I scrapbook standing up. Probably not too quirky, but most people I scrapbook with sit down. I like the perspective I get standing up.
  4. I always have to straighten my pictures - the horizon has to be straight - or it just looks "off" to me.
  5. I keep my fingernails super short. If they are even 1/8" long, they feel too long and I cut them.
  6. I obsess over gas prices - I know where the cheapest gas is and tell Scott where he should fill up. Of course, Scott doesn't pay any attention to gas prices and rolls his eyes.
There you go - 6 peculiar things about Shirley.....

I'm going to tag:


  1. LOVE IT! You can come and scrap standing up with me in the studio any time :)

  2. Great post, Shirley! I will stand and scrap with you. That's what I usually do. =]

  3. I stand too...although I start out sitting, when I get to the final parts, I find myself standing!

    I didn't realize you'd tagged me too...but yikes, wasn't this hard?

  4. Y'all are weird. I sit while I scrap. The whole time.

    I'd sill scrap with you though :D
