Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Fill Ins

I saw this at Lee's Blog, and it looked like fun.

1. Right now, I'm feeling happy that Friday evening is finally here, but disappointed that the shipment of Monin syrups I use in my coffee has been delayed until next week.
2. Right here, Right now is where I want to be. Live in the present, I say. (oh, I know why that popped in my head - they are song lyrics from the song from Jesus Jones)
3. How does one take those beautiful pictures I see on Flickr, pbase and dpreview? (oh, I know - lots of patience, time and PhotoShop....)
4. My daily routine and rhythm of the days keeps me on track.
5. Please don't track in mud from the outside! And Hannah the cat needs to stop clawing the couch!
6. My family fills me with joy. So does everyday beauty found in nature. If I can capture that beauty on my camera, even better.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to getting spooked on the Ghost Train, tomorrow my plans include picking out Halloween Costumes and Sunday, I want to relax, but I probably won't have time to.

1 comment:

  1. Shirley - cute post. I agree. Live in the moment - seize the day! Have a great weekend.
