Sunday, October 5, 2008

18 years old today!

I bought my first car 18 years ago today. Namely a copy cat of the popular Miata, my Mercury Capri has stood the test of time and is still with us, continuing to provide a fun ride with decent gas mileage.

Over her 18 years, "Cappy" (as named by Scott 18 years ago) has been to New York, West Virginia, Indiana and Illinois. She survived running over a deer while going 65 mph and being hit in the rear left panel by a truck.

After going into semi retirement in 1997 (the year Erica was born and the SUV was purchased) Cappy has stayed in such good condition because of the care Scott bestows upon her - he has fixed the headlights, replaced the cruise control servo motor and replaced the radiator. With the high gas prices, we drive her quite a bit during the spring, summer and fall months.

Today was no exception - a perfect day for a convertible ride.

Other than the peeling paint on the bumper, she looks pretty good for an 18 year old:

And the mileage:

So Happy Birthday to Cappy - we plan to keep you for several more years.

1 comment:

  1. She looks great! Glad to see I am not the only one who names their cars! :)
